Keeping Calm & Staying Focused During COVID-19
During this time of the global pandemic, I find myself relying on my faith more than ever before. Each day, I feed my spirit with words of encouragement and inspiration through Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) and blogs by Joyce Meyer and Andrew Wommack. This activity is one I’ve done in the past when I experienced issues with my health a few years ago. At the time, I was so sick that all I could do was pray and believe that one day I would get better. Thankfully, that day did come and I feel better than ever. Just like during that health issue, I know now that this crisis won’t last forever and we will come out of this.
To encourage others, I created a Facebook Group in March and named it A Touch of Faith: Inspiration for Everyday Living. This group is a place for others to come for inspiration, motivation, and tips on faith and how to keep it strong in these days we’re living in.
To encourage others, I created a Facebook Group in March and named it A Touch of Faith: Inspiration for Everyday Living. This group is a place for others to come for inspiration, motivation, and tips on faith and how to keep it strong in these days we’re living in.
I also maintain my focus during this time by creating things. Whether it’s new wreaths and handmade decor for my online business, cooking dinner for my husband, or baking sweet treats like banana bread, I find joy and peace in making things with my hands. It all starts with the raw materials and before I know it, I have created something beautiful that brings joy and happiness to others. For me, that is what this time is all about. I am learning what’s important in life and this difficult time we’re going through has actually been a blessing in disguise. I am learning more about the woman God made me to be and I am finding a new energy I never had before. It’s amazing how during this time, I am actually completing projects that have been on my list for awhile now.
I don’t know what the future is going to look like in the days and weeks ahead but I do know who holds the future. That for me makes everything alright. While waiting, my prayer is that we all use this time to grow and become better as we trust God to help us make it through this.
For more inspiration, be sure to come over and check out my Facebook group, A Touch of Faith: Inspiration for Everyday Living.
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